ANTONIN DVOŘÁK (1841-1904)
Stimmungsbilder / Poetic Tone Pictures Op. 85
1 Nächtlicher Weg / Nocturnal Path: Allegro
moderato 05:52 2 Tändelei / Toying: Allegretto
leggiero 05:10 3 Auf der alten Burg / At the Old
Castle: Lento 04:32 4 Frühlingslied / Spring
Song: Poco Allegro 03:59 5 Bauernballade /
Peasant ballad: Allegro giusto 04:03 6 Klagendes
Gedenken / Sorrowful reverie: Andante 04:53 7 Ein
Tanz / Furiant: Allegro feroce 03:24 8
Koboldstanz / Goblin’s dance: Allegretto 03:24 9
Serenade: Moderato e molto cantabile 04:56 10
Bacchanale: Vivacissimo 05:08 11 Plauderei /
Tittle-tattle: Andante con moto 04:10 12 Am
Heldengrabe / at the Hero’s Grave: Grave, tempo di
marcia 06:31 13 Am heiligen Berg / At the Holy
Mountain: Poco lento 04:28 Total Time 60:50
Recording: IX
2019, Jesus-Christus-Kirche Berlin Dahlem
Executive Producer: Volker Michael Recording
Producer, editing & mastering: Hein Laabs Sound
Engineer: Hajo Seiler Sound Technician: Julius
Füg Piano Technician: Thomas Hübsch © 2019
Deutschlandradio / Avi-Service for music,
Cologne/Germany (p) 2020 Avi-Service for music,
Cologne / Germany All rights reserved . LC 15080
. STEREO . DDD . GEMA . Made in Germany . Cat No 42
6008553113 4
Design: www.Babelgum.de
Translations: Stanley Hanks Fotos: © Monika
A co-production with
Deutschlandfunk Kultur